“What is a ‘jawn’?” – Most Human Beings
Let’s get this “jawn” thing out of the way…
Back in the day (aka 2002ish), we in the greater Philadelphia region adopted a word called “jawn.” Basically, jawn can be used a stand-in word for ANYTHING. For example, if you want someone to hand you a paper towel, you might say, “Bruh, can you hand me that jawn over there?
Try it. Just put “jawn” in place of whatever you want.
So, let’s get to the pedal. Octave Jawn is a digital octaver specifically made to track faster than many other digital octavers on the market. It is fully polyphonic, meaning that it can track chords, unlike an analog octaver that only (sometimes) tracks single notes.
The top-left pot (small knob) mixes your clean and octaved signal.
The massive center pots (big jawn) does full octave down at counterclockwise, full octave up at clockwise, and a mix of octave down and up at noon.
Here’s how this will differ from most things you’ll see at NAMM: THIS WON’T BE A PEDAL. Huh? Octave Jawn will ONLY be available as a drop-in mod. You can have it added to effects from our line right on our website in the Mods dropdown windows AND we’ll even mod your existing Fuzzrocious products to add it.
It will be available spring 2018.
As a drop-in mod on a new Fuzzrocious build, it will be $100.
As a drop-in mod on an existing Fuzzrocious product, it will be $125 + return shipping based upon location.
If you are at Winter NAMM in Anaheim, CA from Jan. 25-28, come visit us in Hall D at Booth #3848. You can play it for yourself and see what new possibilities this opens for not only Fuzzrocious pedals, but for your entire pedalboard!